Jenifer Carey


Jenifer Carey, born in England, resides and works in Madrid, Spain, as a full-time neuro-physiotherapist. Jenifer is a painter, sculptor and printer. 

Concept of work:

Both on and off the canvas, Jenifer is all about movement, the moment and zest for life. Full of bold, Mediterranean colours, her expressionist works convey the vibrancy of an instant reaching out to be shared by the viewer. They are accessible yet not facile, arresting yet pleasing.


Jenifer learnt the techniques of printing in Brita Prinz in Madrid and the techniques of sculpture at the Faculty of Bellas Artes in Madrid.

Jenifer was awarded four grants to work at the Frans Masereel Centrum, Belgium, which were a ‘hinge’ in her artistic development because they stimulated her to dedicate more time to her art, and gave her the chance to develop in a focussed, supportive environment.  Jenifer has also been awarded several prizes that have also been a catalyst.

Jenifer`s work is included in the National Library in Madrid, Spain, in Museum of Beaux Arts in Antwerp, Belgium and in the Frans Masereel Foundation in Kasterlee, Belgium.

Jenifer is represented by FLECHA gallery in Madrid, Spain.

Artist’s Statement.
With each new oeuvre I rediscover the joy of beauty and creation. My curiosity about life has led me, in art, to experiment with many methods of plastic expression. Whether I’m working in oil, sculpture or print, it’s all a way of sharing my zest for life, of capturing the instant.
Matisse, who has been a major influence in my work, said that a great modern conquest has been the secret of expression through colour. It is precisely this secret that I use with oils, combining my intuition, quick strokes and my transgression of the limits of drawing to achieve expressivity in my paintings. 

The subject matter of my work is inspired by my passion for beauty, and shaped by my imagination and personal experiences. This can be seen in "Ibiza", where the luminosity and atmosphere are more important than the figures, which are more essence than substance; or in "Marrakech", where the atmosphere of jostling and haggling demand that the viewer pause and observe.

Jazz is a spontaneous artistic expression. My love of music has enabled me to capture the movement and the atmosphere in oil as well as in sculpture: my metal musicians emerge from a long mould-making process spontaneously alive and immediate, their motion eternally ‘of the moment’.

In my portraits I want to reflect a person rather than a realistic likeness. This I achieve through expression and gesture both in oil and with printing techniques. 

I started printing because I see it as a medium which allows me to always keep my work while sharing it with others again and again! I enjoy the discipline of printing and it has helped me to synthesize my work; again, the long process of making the plates doesn’t stop me seizing the instant.
Each day is filled with moments; each moment reveals its individual flavour and texture, its unique beauty and delight. This constant journey of discovery and rediscovery offers me fresh inspiration to contrive and to share.


Instagram:  @jenifercarey

Facebook:  jenifer.carey.35

Linkedin: Jenifer Carey