Pompeyo Curbelo Martin

Pompeyo Curbelo Martín is an award-winning Spanish painter, born in San Sebastián de la Gomera whose professional development at the artistic level has taken place in Vienna, Austria. His paintings are mainly influenced by impressionism, framed by a movement called art in its new dimension, which is an evolution of modern art and which involves a reflection of today's society. Pompey believes that art must continually evolve and cannot remain stagnant. His works are based on his insular origins and on the influence of the environment where he grew up, the Canary Islands, as well as on the concerns of today's society, exploring "any kind of concern", emphasizing the socioeconomic aspects of contemporary society. Emerging artist, his works have been exhibited nationally and internationally, arousing interest in Europe and recently in Argentina, the United States, Canada and Japan.
For Pompey it is important that viewers draw their own conclusions from his art.

Website http://www.spanish-ole.eu/

Instagram pompeyocurbelomartin9

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?viewas=100000686899395&id=100019393507419

El guarapero.jpg
Die Frau von Fischer.jpg
Sabana 60x50 cm.jpg