Oleg Lobykin


While I’m a classically trained master stone carver, as an artist and sculptor I work in a variety of materials to express my conceptually driven ideas in novel sculptural form, experimenting with texture, materials, color, or interactive elements. I try to realize the potential of art as my unique, vital contribution to society.

Observing the natural world and mystery of transformation inspires me. I’m fascinated by a harmony of contradictions between chaos and order, light / darkness, good / bad, etc. I explore how they’re interconnected, can stay in balance, and how the meaning of thought or beauty can take shape in physical form. 


Oleg Lobykin has roots in a tradition of the old work craft of stone carving yet considers himself “an international man and product of globalization.” Originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, Oleg now resides in Silicon Valley. He is a sculptor interested in conceptual art; he likes to use the unique language of art to deliver an important message and modern tools like technology as an opportunity to reach new heights.  


Firebird is one of the most recent creations by Oleg. Firebird re-imagines the arising of life from the molecular level as something new begins to emerge from an almost chaotic “cellular soup” of bubble-like shapes as a mystery of transformation. 

Flex Cube is a sculpture that challenges the viewer’s perception, requiring consideration of what is there and what is not there to recognize the whole. Conceptually taking a square and twisting it in three dimensions reveals a harmony in contradictions in the creation of a cube featuring both straight and curving lines. 

Cutting Edge represents human progress in a constantly changing world. It was created from the artist’s fascination with the mystery of transformation and attempt to identify the origins of form.

Website: www.Lobykin.com

Email: oleg@lobykin.com