Maria Aparici

Maria Aparici had an academic and artistic education and training which began at the Burgos School of Applied Arts during the years 1978 to 1980. But it wasn ́t until she moved to NewYork that she started to study again. Between1987 and 1989 she went to Columbia University, subsequently she obtained a level 9 Certificate of American language. After those years of studying the English language she graduated from Parsons New School of Interior Design with an Associate Degree in the year 1993. Back to Spain, she finalized her artistic formation from 1993 to 1998 with a Master’s Degree in Painting from the Fine Arts Faculty of Madrid’s Complutense University. In 2007 she specialized in computer assisted graphic design, following and finishing her computer education that she had started with AUTOCAD 14 years earlier at New School in New York. 

She is a photographer, portraitist and large format painter, as well as a feminist social critic. She starts showing her work at some of Madrid’s most popular shopping centers, having previously initiated the artists’ group “Degeneración98” which she abandons after a series of innumerable internal discussions and conflicts. 

In 1998 she celebrates her first individual exhibition in Switzerland. Her individual as well as group exhibitions run from New York to Switzerland via Cincinnati, Milan, Rome, London, Pescia, Berlin, New Delhi, Santander, Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. 

In 2016 she obtains the Scienza Prize from the Museo d’Arte e Scienza of Milan, Italy. During 2019, she was awarded the international Michelangelo, Botticelli and Velázquez Prizes, created by Dres. Francesco y Salvatore Russo. Her latest recognition is the prestigious Palm Art Award. Domain Group honored her with an award for Excellence and her astounding originality. 

Her work is distributed amongst various corporate art collections, such as the Daimler Collection of Stuttgart, Investcorp of Bahrein and Cushman & Wakefield in Madrid, as well as variety of private collections. 

Upcoming Shows in 2020:
Berlin: Daimler Collection
Milan: Artisti Space Watt
Madrid: Galeria Orfila, We Amazing Women 


We live in the Millennium of the perfect woman, we follow a come-and- go of fashions which, in accordance with male preferences, are mostly tall and slim, well toned but more enraged than ever if possible. 

The female painter does not fall into the traps of creating images according to masculine preferences, and Maria Aparici who with her pathetic figures demystifies the myth of beauty, critiques and most of all questions the beauty stereotypes, until now canons of a consumer society where the woman is victim and protagonist, competing with others to catch the best “macho”. 

Sad evidence and consequence of the feminist who still has or had a feminine side.