Ibrahim Yassin

My name is Ibrahim Yassin and I was born in 1967 in Southern Kurdistan. I am a visual artist and calligrapher based in Copenhagen. 

I am originally educated as a chemistry teacher at Mosul University in Iraq, but I have always been interested in visual art ever since I was young. It has been my passion ever since. In 1990 I exhibited some drawings at the university like a solo exhibition. It was artworks created with pencil, ink pen and coloured ballpoints. I continued with my drawings and calligraphy until 1998, but for various reasons I had a long break until 2013.

In 2013, I decided to get involved in drawing again and express my love for ink. Now I mainly draw with ink and liquid watercolour on paper. I still try to develop and find new techniques to achieve satisfied results. In my drawings I express different topics and furthermore trying to accomplish a personal expression through dashes, ink stains and shapes. 

Sometimes an artwork is created after a long thought process, and other times the art is created in the moment when the pen is moved across the white paper. I prefer to create a composition of different selected components, making every effort to create a result that can catch your immediate attention. In our different lives we place extra attention on certain things and therefore go into detail with them. Other things are observed more superficially. In relation to my art there are surfaces in the drawings that includes great details, to accomplish a certain depth, while other surfaces are without much detail. In addition to the technical stuff about my art I try to express thoughts, feelings and aesthetics through my drawings. 

In some of my drawings I seek to involve the Kurdish language when a text can be related to the content of the image. I usually use texts from poems, songs, sayings and I think that the use of Kurdish characters gives an extra beauty and meaning to a piece of art. In the bigger picture, it is inspiring to me that life can be infused into the characters through their beautiful graphic shapes, that become more and more beautiful, the more you look at them.

Website: www.ibrahimyassin.com