Alexandra Kapogianni-Beth

Biography & Statement

Alexandra Kapogianni-Beth, art historian and sculptor, has been producing objects for 15 years now but had been busy painting and drawing before that time. For some seven years she’s mainly been busy with sculpting.

Since 1998 she has attended many art and sculpting courses in and out of Germany. In 2017 she started a sculpting course at the Institut für Ausbildung in Bildender Kunst und Kunsttherapie (IBKK) in Bochum, West Germany.

„For my pieces of art I use a wide range of raw materials and I approache each project with an unrestricted view, making use of the perspectives of a Greek artist now living in Germany. My own experience here and there, and the unique histories of both countries force and allow me to choose and connect what I assume to serve my intentions best. 

When considering my objects, I’m focussed on turning dead materials, as hard rock or soft matter as gypsum and clay, into something vivid that offers a contrast between unhewn surfaces with soft flowing worked surfaces. Greek history over the millennia offers a wide range of impulses. Heroism beyond human limits and multitudes of mythological actors, and all their visualisation by other artists, find their way into the sculptures that I design and produce. The delight I enjoy, hopefully finds its way to the beholders and stimulate their reflections of what they see and experience.“

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Hohenlimburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 

1998 – 2000 Private school education in art history, lessons in drawing and painting at the Eorgon Technis, Athens, Greece 

2001 – 2008 Studies of art history at the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany 

2003 First sculptures  since 2012 Courses in stone carving, studio seminars und art symposia  since 2017 Sculpting study course at the Institut für Ausbildung in Bildender Kunst und Kunsttherapie (IBKK), Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany 

Exhibitions & Fairs

2020 Galerie POP-UP-ARTISTS-COM, Vernissage am 7. Februar, Werth 87, Wuppertal, DE

2019 EuropArtFair 2019, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, Nederlands "Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang - Die 7 Todsünden", Kunst- und Galeriehaus,  Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany

ARTe WIESBADEN, Messe für zeitgenössische Kunst, RheinMain CongressCenter, Wiesbaden

ART BRÜGGEN, 2. Internationale Kunstmesse, Brüggen, Germany

"Kurze Nacht der Galerien und Museen", Schloß Freudenberg, Wiesbaden, Germany

"Zeitgenossen", Kunst- und Galeriehaus, Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany

2018 "animalia IV", Kunst- und Galeriehaus, Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany

"kunst schau fenster", Kulturtage AKK, Commerzbank AG, Mainz-Kastel, Germany

"Es war einmal... was wäre wenn? Märchenbilder heute", Kunst- und Galeriehaus,  Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany

"Kurze Nacht der Galerien und Museen", Schloß Freudenberg, Wiesbaden, Germany

"Der Höllensturz - Phantastische Kunst nach Pieter Bruegel d.Ä.", Kunst- und Galeriehaus, Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany

Prizes & Awards

2020 3rd International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI, 25. January, Borghese Palace, Italy


Instagram: @kapogiannibeth